Nº4 Noosa, Australia

Surfers: Ivy Thomas, Sierra Lerback
Photographer: Harry Mark
May 2020
 Woman standing in front on rock cliff, holding a green surfboard wearing surf bikini top and bottom
Woman standing in front on rock cliff, holding a green surfboard wearing surf bikini top and bottom
Sierra at the nose of her surfboard with one leg wearing a surf bikini top and bottom
Sierra wiping out on a wave wearing a surf bikini top and bottom
Silhouette of women's legs on surfboard wearing surf bikini bottom
Ivy sitting on surfboard, looking over her shoulder wearing a black surf bikini top and bottom
Ivy walking in front of a rock wall, carrying a green surfboard, wearing a black surf bikini top and bottom
Ivy and Sierra walking into the water with surfboards, wearing surf bikini and one piece swimsuit
Sierra kneeling on her surfboard, looking over her shoulder wearing a one piece surf swimsuit
Sierra noseriding on her singlefin longboard wearing a one piece surf swimsuit in pine green
Ivy surfing wearing Paris one piece surf swimsuit in army
Ivy and Sierra standing on rocks, holding their surfboards, wearing surf bikini top and bottom and one piece swimsuit
Sierra standing on rocks, looking at the ocean,  holding her surfboard wearing a one piece surf swimsuit in pine green
Ivy standing on rocks, looking at the ocean, holding her surfboard wearing a one piece surf swimsuit in rose
Two women sitting on the rail of surboard wearing one piece surf swimsuit and surf bikini top and bottom
Ivy standing in a grass field above the ocean, holding her surfboard, wearing Malibu black one piece surf swimsuit
Ivy cheater five on her longboard wearing Paris one piece surf swimsuit in army
Ivy coming out of the water looking over her shoulder, wearing surf bikini top and bottom in army, carrying her fins
Ivy surfing her single fin longboard wearing Paris one piece surf swimsuit in Army